Daily Archives: February 29, 2008


Thursday, February 28, 2008, 2:30 pm Eastern Time

Parent meeting scheduled at NC School for
the Deaf for 3:30 pm (Thursday)
State official will attend
A reliable source is reporting that a meeting has been scheduled for 3:30 pm today (Thursday) in the Chapel on the campus of the North Carolina School for the Deaf.

Parents have been invited to attend. An official from the North Carolina state
government will be in attendance and will speak with the parents.

The school is located at: 517 W. Fleming Dr, in Morganton, North Carolina.

Here are previous updates on the situation at the school (below).

Thursday, February 28, 2008, 2:38 am Eastern Time

Update #12

NCSD Student: “Their mood were like mad, furious, and
seemed like they were ready to threaten me.

From the NCSD Protest blog:

What Happened in the Chapel on Sunday?
I have had the privilege of speaking with a student who was among the
students in the Chapel last Sunday evening. With the student’s permission,
I am going to post my questions and the student’s answers.

Did the administrators tell you where you were going when they took you from the dorm?
When I arrived dorm, they took me out of main building without telling me
where I was going. I was little confused and scared. Then I was planning to
text my mom but Janet (McDaniel-Principal) took it.

What was the mood like?
Their mood were like mad, furious, and seemed like they were ready to
threaten me.

Were they forceful or was it a chat type?

Why didn’t you eat until after 8:30 pm?
I didn’t eat since lunch and until 8:30 because the administrators and
principals questioning the students and me too much for almost 3 hours
and told us if we did the protest then we won’t be graduating, don’t get good
job and colleges won’t accept you. “You also will get consequences for that”.

Why were you in the Chapel so long?
We stayed in the Chapel too long to find out who was leader, who’s idea,
and tried to prevent our rights to protest.

Could you leave the Chapel if you wanted to?
I can’t leave Chapel if I want to.

Why were you protesting, or what did you want from the administration?
Because we are not happy with Dr. Lindsey, Jody Self (Residential Life
Director), and Janet McDaniel. They don’t have any deaf education background,
too cruel to deaf children, and treated us unfair, and think we’re deaf and dumb!

Wow! The last statement is sad really. It says so much. These students
feel as if their educators look down on them. Aren’t educators supposed
to build our children up?

I really can’t imagine that any one of those adults thought this was OKAY!
Not to mention, this student attempted to contact a parent and the pager
was confiscated! These are STUDENTS not criminals!! Heck, even
criminals are allowed one phone call!

I say BRAVO to this, and all students involved for waking everyone up!

Credit goes to MishkaZena’s blog for helping to facilitate this report