Daily Archives: February 9, 2008

Define GONAD….

A blogger just posted “LET’S PROTEST! LET’S BOYCOTT! GO NAD GO NAD”

He is a funny blogger with an evil intention to mislead the community to be protesting with a sign “GONAD” because there was no room to put space between GO and NAD so the sign was saying “GONAD”.

The commentors in this blogger’s post apparently knew what the word GONAD meant and thought that this blogger was so cute and some even sounded “turned on” and giggled.

My friend wanted to know what GONAD means and looked up in google and here’s what she found.

The gonad is the organ that makes gametes. The gonads in males are the testes and the gonads in females are the ovaries. The product, gametes, are haploid germ cells. For example, spermatozoon and egg cells are gametes. Although medically the gonad term can refer to either male gonads (testicles) or female gonads (ovaries), the vernacular, or slang use of “gonads” (or “nads”) usually only refers to the testicles.

My friend was sick to see this and not only she was disgusted with this blogger’s continuing using his pervert-minded articles in DeafRead but also these commentors are just as filthy.

We really need to clean this up now and weed out those kind of people! Includes whoever this Deafread editor that allowed this to be posted!

Blue Eyes


NAD’s goal is to have 5,000 new members by March 2008

If NAD announce that they will go to Milwaukee and work together with Deaf Community and DBC

Then, yes, I definitely will join NAD as a member!

Blue Eyes 

How Should AG Bell Improve Its Integrity?

How can AG Bell start to repair their embarrassment from the bigoted letter to Pepsico about Deaf people using sign language?

Some members of DHHS express their disappointment of Alexander T. Graham and Karen Youdelman’s letter that showed their perspective of Deaf people that uses sign language.

AG Bell Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHHS) members are adults who experienced hearing loss at birth and use spoken language as their primary mode of communication. AG Bell DHHS members are technology savvy using the latest in hearing (digital hearing aids and cochlear implants) and communication technology.

Should AG Bell remove their exclusionary leaders and start having new leaders that will build the “harmony” bridge for all Deaf and Hard of Hearing people together and have equal respect for American Sign Language and other mode of communications for all deaf babies and children in schools?

If the Black Community can demand Don Imus to be fired, then the Deaf Community can demand Alexander T. Graham and Karen Youdelman to be fired from AG Bell.

Who is Don Imus?

Blue Eyes